Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

oubliette "untitled" C32 NEW


email me at themangledhand at gmail dot com 
for a copy of my newest tape  approx. 5 bucks or make me an offer

OUBLIETTE untitled c32  on beartownrecords

*sample on their site

Friday, August 12, 2011


bear town records

OUBLIETTE makes his debut on Beartown with a freshly chopped block of good ole fashioned gutter-pop. Spiralling out of control from the word go,STILGAR sees the listener taken on a break-neck, break-brain speed journey through the outer reaches of the noise-compisition-o-sphere. Ear-bleed metallic crashes and hyperspeed mumbo-jumno incantations blend and merge, only ceasing to allow echoing washes of FM radio through.
Elsewhere, DEEPER is the endlessly expressing brain in a jar turning his hand to passionate psycho sing-along. Somewhere in the distance is music box twinkle of a burning ice cream van, or the last tragic movement by a long forgotten robot orchestra, left to rot and rust on some damned wind swept abyss.

4 tracks over 2 sides of 1 tape. 4 reasons not 2 bother with any 1. Track list - A1 Morning Pool, A2 Stilgar, B1 Deeper, B2 Wet Moss.

Edition of 49. With green tapes and monochromatic artwork on textured paper.

bear town records

Friday, May 27, 2011


from an upcoming split on Tired Sounds

excerpt ~2 minutes

Monday, January 24, 2011

tol brandir

ROB of St. Pete FL uploaded oubliette - tol brandir cs.
[which was released on his label SPIN]


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


a nice VANGELIS album
